Saturday, April 17, 2010 THE LIFE OF DEATH
 The newest documentary, THE LIFE OF DEATH, is now in post-production. It features interviews with David Crumm, Art Regner, Lloyd Kaufman, Caroline Munro, Sasha Graham, Debbie Rochon, Scooter McCrae, Jack Ketchum, Keith R.A. DeCandido and others, all giving their perspective about death, in real life and how it's portrayed in the media. The 85 minute program will be available for sale in August 2010.

Saturday, April 17, 2010 Documentary making book to be released August 1st, 2010.
 Lindenmuth's third filmmaking book will be published by Barron's in August 2010...Amazon.com is already listing a 33% discount for the book...

Monday, January 4, 2010 New Hampshire PBS showing doc on Jan 6th & 7th
 PBS New Hampshire is broadcasting the food allergy documentary this Wed and Thursday, Jan 6 & 7th.

Read The [Previous Updates] at Geyer Lindenmuth
